Saturday 1 January 2011

2011 inspiration

Well hello, 2011! It's nice to finally meet you.

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope your day has taken off to a lovely start, and that the year ahead will be a fabulous one for all of you. It's the start of a new decade too, so make it count for something.

I stumbled across some lovely quotes and images to help kick-start the new year properly. They inspire me, and I hope they ignite a sense of positivity and hope in you as well. May they aid you in your resolutions (and non-resolutions), whatever they may be.

Images courtesy of Google Images


  1. I'm happy to find this blog.
    Congratulations for you from Hungary:-)

  2. straightfromthecurlsSeptember 01, 2011 10:29 am

    Thanks for your message. I'm glad you like it! :) Please stop by any time! -



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