Thursday 10 September 2009

Drilling and Banging

It seems as though the city of Seoul is undergoing a face lift... or something like it. Well, maybe not all of Seoul... just the parts that I have to work and live in.

I moved into my apartment two weeks ago. When i moved in, the building was pristine and immaculate. I kid you not... I could see my reflection in the lobby tiles.

I was pretty happy with everything when I moved in. My building is brand new and very close to Korea university. But as the week progressed, the building almost started to unravel.

Seriously... every floor with the exception of the one I live on has been gutted. It started off with the daily screetching of jackhammers and drilling in the units above and below me. They would start every morning at 7 a.m. and go on till dusk.

Then, last night, the power was out when I cam home at 5 p.m. and it didn't come back till about 7 p.m.

It's so bizarre... it's as though my floor has been given some veto from the chaos that surrounds the building.

Although I'm not quite sure what's going on, I do hope they end soon. I am so tired when I get home, that the last thing I want to listen to is a concerto of drilling and um... banging.

At the same time...

My school is also undergoing a face lift. They celebrated their 101st anniversary last week. So now there's this 2010 plan in place to jazz up the exterior of the school with some new tiles, a fresh coat of paint and trimming.

This also asks for drilling and banging at school. I can't escape it.



  1. perhaps you need to have a drilling and banging party of your own...

  2. And there it is. haha Babs... I code my posts with hidden messages for you! xo


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