Saturday 15 December 2007

And so they begin...

I just spent my first day of christmas holidays. For the past five fridays I have come home from work and school, only to fall asleep no later than 10 p.m. It's like everything catches up to me after work on fridays. Anyway, I spent the better part of the day running around the bloor/yorkville area taking photos for a project. Not the best day, because of the winter storm... but I hope they work out.

I am looking forward to the holidays... I always do. I'm hoping that my christmas tree can go up tomorrow actually. Sadly, because of how busy everything has been, I haven't been able to get around to that... yet.

This semester has been pretty amazing. I have focused and studied harder in the past four months than I did in my entire four years at university. Perhaps this is because the field is more narrowed out, and is something I have wanted to do for as long as I can remember. I am hoping that by this time next year I will be anticipating an internship at a fabulous place, where I can perhaps get my 'big break.'

Chick Flicks indulged in for the season so far:
- The Holiday (3rd time round)
- Love Actually (2nd TIme)
- His and Her Christmas
- The Notebook
... and it's only been a couple of free days! haha

I know I shouldn't watch chick flicks, but I do... against my better judgement. I always end up in this mush-yucky state. Sometimes its a feel good state and sometimes, I'm just reminded that happily ever after is for the movies... only!
And despite all that, I know... that when I have a couple of free hours next, I will be picking the next flick in line and throwing it in the dvd player.
Apparently no matter how much I try to destroy my romantic sap mushy streak, it refuses to budge!

Strong genes: a blessing and a curse!


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